
We would like to offer you a brief overview of the possible destinations reachable from Perwanger Hof. However, this is just a small selection, and many other places deserve to be discovered and visited and are often easily reachable by train from Auer/Ora. Here’s a little taster…


Meran/Merano is a popular resort spa. The Austrian Empress Sissi was a regular guest of the town who came to take the waters. Today Meran/Merano is particularly famous for two points of interest: the Trauttmansdorff gardens and the spa complex. The latter is a warm haven on cold winter days, while the gardens are absolutely stunning in the spring and summer.

Kalterersee / Lago di Caldaro

Lake Kalterer/Caldaro is only 5 minutes away from Perwanger Hof and is an aquatic paradise for young and old. Throughout the summer season the water temperature is very pleasant and regular checks show that the water quality is very close to that of drinking water. The more daring start bathing already in April and can go on to mid-October … reminiscent of dips in the North Sea.

Lake Kalterer/Caldaro is also our favorite swimming destination, which is why we can’t talk about it without enthusiasm … go there and you’ll understand why.